Daniel Radcliffe: 'I'm Not Friends With Rupert Grint'Co-stars have barely spokensince Harry Potter ended

They may play best-friends in 'Harry Potter' butDaniel Radcliffe has revealed that he barely speaks to co-star Rupert Grint andthat despite the public's assumption, they are not friends.
The actors, who have known each other from the age of 11 completed eight filmstogether and grew up in the spotlight along with co-star Emma Watson but nowhardly talk.
The news will come as a blow to fans as the friendship between Daniel'scharacter Harry and Ron Weasley played by Rupert is the enduring focus of thestory.
According to the Sunday Mirror the actor said: "If I see him every sixmonths or so, it's a friendly 'hello, how's things with you' but that's aboutit."
The 22-year-old admitted that he is still close with ‘My Week With Marilyn'star Emma, but that he has drifted from Rupert.
He added: "I'm just going to put it out there, Emma and I text all thetime but Rupert and I never text each other, we never see each other."
The last film in the 'Harry Potter' saga 'Deathly Hallows Part 2' was releasedlast summer and since then the three stars have made an effort to strike out intheir own directions.
Emma has thrown herself into her studies at Oxford University and Danielrecently completed a very successful stint on Broadway in the play, ‘How ToSucceed In Business Without Even Trying' and will next star in 'The Woman InBlack'.
Rupert has been most recently featured in Ed Sheeran's latest video for track‘Lego House'.
Harry Potter Stars Through The Years..
Daniel Radcliffe: 'I'm Not Friends With Rupert Grint'Co-stars have barelyspoken since Harry Potter ended