- Никуда не денется, влюбится и женится - Приговаривала Джини, подливая Гарри в тыквенный сок приворотное зелье.
- На чужой кусок не разевай роток. - Усмехался Снейп, отсылая бокал Поттера Филчу...
![severusalways: astairewashere: Купированные из моего предыдущего поста ... вернусь, обмороки ... Говорить не о чем<img src=](https://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ld4qjmJto21qahdmvo1_500.jpg)
![5denise3: Какой счастливый женщина! : (Это заставляет меня так ужасно ревнив.](https://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lq8dfzsLut1r0w8s3o1_500.jpg)
once there was a only silence, and not a speck of hope in sight
and every tiny bubble burst, on its journey to the light
but the spark of creation will flicker again
its a brand new era, about to begin
now we've been caught, we've been sold, and left out in the cold
evolution's been passing us by
with this potion in hand, we've been given the chance
it's time to turn the tied
come join me and seize this opportunity
alter your destiny
one single drop will be enough to put you on top
intelligence, say you'll lead the way
intelligence, have a sip today
we owe it all to Joe
one potion, one ocean
one ruler of all
its a vision i've seen
its a world of your dreams
its a pearl in the palm of your hand
and with the power of speech, it is all within reach
we can swim to the promised land
but promise us Joe
you'll be our guiding light
such an amazing guy
the king of the cod
lord of the krill
the prince of the whales
intelligence, say you'll lead the way
intelligence, have a sip today
we owe it all to Joe
king of the cod
lord of the krill
the prince of the whales